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Reputation Management a Priority For Dental & Medical Marketing

Studies recently reported that almost 92 percent of patients base their doctor choice on online reviews. The increasingly savvy patients are relying on social media platforms and third-party review sites, such as Facebook, Yelp, and Google+ to read reviews, parse out provider information, and get updates on the latest trends in order to make more informed choices when selecting a provider.

Reputation Management Services

More than ever before, dental and medical practices have to make managing their online reputation a priority so that their practice portrays a positive image to their community. This will, in turn, ensure the loyalty of your existing patients, and help you achieve your long-term business goals.

If you, however, continue to ignore any negative online reviews of your practice or fail to engage with your customers and prospects, you will be viewed as untrustworthy, which will make it hard to convert your visitors.

Here are a few other reasons why you should work on your online reputation:

1. Good/bad reviews easily go viral on social media

Social media is one of the most powerful digital marketing tools available today. With over 1.8 billion active members (and growing) in the different social media networks – Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. – having an active presence on multiple platforms can increase your reach within your community considerably.

Social media and third party review websites work hand-in-hand, since most people prefer to post reviews and comments using their personal social media profiles. In turn, these comments (like on Facebook or Google+) show up on the News Feed of the reviewer’s family members and friends, who may respond by “Liking” the review or even adding their own comments to the chain of comments already made by other people.

With such an elaborate sharing structure, a single review made via social media can grow your reputation exponentially through “Likes”, “Shares”, and comments. If the review is a positive one, you can easily reach new patients and enhance your opportunities

2. Positive social media reviews encourage traditional word-of-mouth referrals

Many patients that choose our client’s offices have noted that they consider online opinions as if they were personal recommendations from a close friend or family member.

This means that positive online reviews by your satisfied patients can easily reach other prospects beyond their circle of family and friends on social media. For instance, someone searching for your services in your area can come across your positive review and be influenced to try your practice.

3. Positive reviews boost your SEO

Positive online reviews not only give prospects a reason to choose you, it will also give Google and other search engines a reason to give your practice precedence.

Since search engines are in the business of giving searchers the most relevant results based on the search query, they love online reviews too. In fact, online reviews account for nearly 10 percent of search engines’ ranking factors.Reputation Management for Dentists

Search engines take into consideration what consumers find to be valuable when ranking local webpages. So, good online reviews can boost your local SEO strategy.

Check back in to see the tips on how to get great reviews for your dental or medical practice.

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